Lent Bumps Notes and Fines

Notes and fines from the umpires will be posted here as the week's racing progresses.

​Fines can be appealed by e-mailing Dr Dan Wilkins, CUCBC Senior Treasurer (fines[at]cucbc.org) within 48 hours.


Notes from the Umpires​

  • Thank you for a successful and calamity-free first day of the Lent Bumps.
  • Respect umpires and marshals: they are volunteers, and we will not tolerate any abuse, intimidation or failure to comply with instruction.
  • Running bankparties are *not* allowed: all bankparties are limited to *four cyclists*. Runners pose a serious safety concern.
  • Don't marshal on the apex of the corner by Morley's Holt: this is on the racing line so must be kept clear.
  • Practice starts at the Railway Bridge are not allowed - and have not been for a decade.
  • If you bump, listen to your cox and clear quickly and safely. Wait till you park to celebrate.
  • Apologies for the erratum in the Bumps programme: It was Downing W1 who took Headship in Lents 2020.
  • Bumps programmes are for sale for £5 - cash or card - from Control.


  • Christ's M1 - slow clearing - £20
  • Christ's M2 - slow to clear - £30
  • Emmanuel W2 - obstructing & intimidating umpire - £30
  • Fitzwilliam M1 - early celebration - £20
  • Fitzwilliam M1 - foul language - £25
  • Fitzwilliam M1 - foul language (in addition to above) - £25
  • Fitzwilliam M1 - slow clearing - £20
  • Fitzwilliam M2 - early celebration - £20
  • Girton W1 - failure to attend coxes' briefing - £50
  • Ian (CUCBC CU) - forgot fork, no advantage - next time use a *clean* spanner for your pasta
  • King's W1 - failing to stay clear - £40
  • Lady Margaret M3 - very late for marshalling - £20
  • Lee & Ian (CUCBC Committee) - misuse of radio - read up on what the cannons mean
  • Lucy Cavendish M1 - forgot bung, no advantage - £15
  • Magdalene M2 - dropped bung, no advantage - £15
  • Pembroke W2 - early celebration - £20
  • Pembroke W2 - failure to attend coxes' briefing - £50
  • Selwyn M1 - excessive delay paddling down - Warning
  • Selwyn M1 - failure to follow umpires' instructions - £20
  • St. Catharine's W2 - overshot marshalling - bring a SatNav
  • Trinity Hall W2 - excessive bank party - £30
  • Trinity Hall W2 - failure to follow umpires' instructions - £20
  • Trinity Hall W2 - handheld filming - £50
  • Trinity Hall W2 - running bankparty - £30


Notes from the Umpires​

  • The CUCBC Committees would like to thank all participants, marshals, umpires and bank parties today for another smooth-running day of bumps despite one checkmate.
  • Marshals are imperative to the safe running of bumps. All clubs have an obligation to provide marshals per the rota.
  • It is unacceptable to pressure or intimidate another crew's cox to concede.
  • When bumping, be prepared to quickly maneuver/hold up hard to clear the racing line and disentangle from the crew you have bumped.
  • Paddle on after being bumped and after crossing bottom finish
  • A number of items have been handed into Control as lost property. If you have lost something and it was definitely on the towpath, it may have been handed in.
  • It is going to be wet tomorrow. Crews and bank parties would be wise to have plenty of layers and waterproofs, as would mudguards!


  • Churchill - Failure to Provide a Marshal - £15
  • Churchill W1 - Excessive Bank Party - £30
  • Churchill W1 - Excessive Bank Party (in addition to above) - £45
  • Clare Hall M1 - Excessive Bank Party - £30
  • Clare Hall Marshal - remaining on post after other marshals failed to report - Commendation
  • Conor (DCU) - Checkmating a checkmated division - read the rules of chess
  • Downing M1 - Foul language - £25
  • Downing Marshal - remaining on post after other marshals failed to report - Commendation
  • Fitzwilliam M2 - Serious failure to hold up after bumping - £40
  • Homerton - Failure to provide a Marshal - £15
  • Homerton - Failure to provide a Marshal (Tuesday) - £15
  • Kings' M1 - Ignoring umpire's instructions (counting down from 15, not 10) - £20
  • Lady Margaret M2 - Dropped Bung, slight advantage - £25
  • Murray Edwards - Failure to Provide a Marshal - £15
  • Pembroke - Failure to provide a Marshal (Tuesday) - £15
  • Pembroke M1 - Slow clearing - £20
  • Peterhouse - Failure to provide a marshal - £15
  • Queens' W1 - Dropped Bung, no advantage - £15
  • St. Catharine's M1 - Bank party behaving dangerously on towpath - £40
  • St. Catharine's M1 - Early Celebration - £20
  • Trinity Hall M1 - Excessive greenery - Start a hedge-pruning business
  • Trinity Hall M2 - Serious failure to row on after being bumped - £40
  • W1 Division - overshooting marshalling - Sat-Navs for everyone!


Notes from the Umpires​

  • Bank parties are asked not to have bags dangling from their handlebars or anything else that may reduce their manoeuvrability.
  • Bank parties are reminded to exercise caution when cycling along the towpath and when stopping beside bumped out crews. The towpath is busy with members of the public as well as umpires and other bank parties and supporters, and it is easy to cause an accident by allowing the excitement of the race to override safe cycling. Bikes should be moved completely off the towpath when not in use, and bumped out crews must also keep their blades clear of the towpath. Bank parties should also be regularly looking at where they are going, instead of focusing solely on their crew.
  • Whilst the rain may have passed by the time we start racing, the towpath is still going to be incredibly wet and muddy. Please dress appropriately!
  • The river levels are still rising upstream of Cambridge. Additionally, it is currently very windy, although this will hopefully improve later on. The Chief Umpires & Deputy Chief Umpires will continue to monitor the state of the river and the weather and if any changes to today’s racing schedule are necessary they will be communicated by email and via the flag. Please check before boating.


  • Churchill M1 - Late concession - £30
  • Corpus Christi M1 - Slow to hold it up upon bumping - £50
  • CUCBC Exec Committee - Member prioritising marriage proposal over umpiring - Invite both committees to wedding
  • Emmanuel M2 - Failure to stop at railway bridge on row home - £15
  • First and Third M2 - Failure to hold it up - £50
  • Lucy Cavendish W1 - Bank party instructing other club's cox to concede - £40
  • Lucy Cavendish W1 - Slow to clear - £20
  • Magdalene M2 - Dropped bung, no advantage - £15
  • Magdalene W1 - Slow to hold it up upon bumping - £50
  • Robinson M1 - Early celebration and slow to clear - £40
  • Selwyn M1 - Early celebration - £20
  • St Catharine's M1 - Holding it up to avoid hitting the stationary crew - Commendation


Notes from the Umpires​

  • A reminder that handheld filming whilst cycling is strictly forbidden during racing. Additionally, cycling bank parties should keep both hands on their handlebars, unless required not to for the purpose of safe racing.
  • A second reminder that unless addressing their own crew, it is completely unacceptable for anyone but an umpire to instruct a cox to concede. Please ensure this message reaches all members of bank parties and coxes, further instances will face non-monetary penalties.
  • We expect tomorrow to be both busier and wet. Whether you are racing or on the bank, please dress appropriately. Those expecting to be on the tow path are asked to remain alert and safe.


  • Caius W2 - Excessive bank party - £30
  • Christ’s M2 – Failure of bank party to follow umpire’s instructions / obstruction of umpire - £20
  • Churchill M1 - Foul and abusive language - £25
  • Churchill M1 - Serious failure to hold it up on bumping - £50
  • Clare M1 – Foul and abusive language - £25
  • Conor (CUCBC DCU) - Forgot fork, no advantage - Go halves on a CUCBC cutlery set with Ian
  • Corpus Christi M1 - Failure to row on upon being bumped - £25
  • Darwin – Failure to provide marshal - £15
  • Downing M1 - Illegal practice start - £25
  • First and Third M2 – Slow to clear - £20
  • Jesus W2 - Slow to it hold up and clear upon bumping - £20
  • King’s M1 – Failure to row on and clear upon being bumped - £30
  • Kings W1 – Overshot marshalling - Bring SatNav
  • Lady Margaret M2 – Slow to row on and clear upon being bumped - £25
  • Lady Margaret M3 – Late to marshalling - £15
  • Magdalene M1 - Dangerous behaviour from bank party (obstructing tow path during racing) - £50
  • Magdalene M1 – Foul and abusive language- £25
  • Queens M1 - Boating without lifejacket - £50
  • Robinson M1 - Dropped bung, no advantage - £15
  • Selwyn M1 - Excessive bank party - £30
  • Selwyn M2 – Failure to follow umpire’s instructions (practice start countdown down from 15s) - £20
  • St. Catharine’s M1 - Dropped bung, no advantage - £15
  • St. Edmund’s M1- Fouls and abusive language - £25
  • Trinity Hall M1 - Excessive bank party - £30
  • Trinity Hall W1 - Instructing a cox to concede - £40
  • Wolfson W1 – Foul and abusive language - £25


Notes from the Umpires​

  • Many thanks for a successful and largely calamity-free Lent Bumps! We hope you have had a good set of races.
  • Many thanks too to the Club marshals and umpires without whom the Bumps would not be possible.
  • For lost property enquiries, contact cat[at]cucbc.org. She has a helmet from a W3/M3 marshal/umpire.
  • There are some excess Bumps Programmes. If anyone is interested please contact lukebarratt[at]cucbc.org.
  • Whoever has been plaguing the Control with rubber ducks, rest assured that they are being well cared for.


  • ​Caius W2 - very slow clearing - £40
  • Christ's W2 - early celebration - £20
  • Churchill - failure to provide a marshal (second occasion) - £30
  • Corpus Christi W1 - slow clearing - £30
  • Darwin M1 - serious late concession - £40
  • Darwin W1 - ignoring umpires' instructions - £20
  • Darwin W1 - serious failure to clear - £50
  • Downing M2 - early celebration - £20
  • Downing M2 - foul language - £25
  • Emmanuel M1 - excess bankparty - £30
  • Emmanuel M1 - excess bankparty (in addition to above) - £45
  • Emmanuel M1 - excess bankparty (in addition to both above) - £60
  • Emmanuel M1 - running bankparty - £30
  • Emmanuel M1 - running bankparty (in addition to above) - £30
  • Emmanuel M1 - running bankparty (in addition to both above) - £30
  • Emmanuel M2 - much foul language - £40
  • Fitzwilliam M2 - dangerous loss of control & failure to clear - £75
  • Jesus M2 - failure to row on upon being bumped - £20
  • Jesus W1 - causing dangerous obstruction - £30
  • Jesus W1 - disobeying umpire's instructions - £20
  • Lady Margaret W1 - failure to row on upon being bumped - £20
  • Lady Margaret W2 - slow clearing - £30
  • Magdalene M1 - foul language - £25
  • Magdalene M1 - foul language (in addition to above) - £25
  • Magdalene M2 - slow to hold it up upon bumping - £25
  • Newnham W2 - dropped bung, no advantage - £15
  • Pembroke M2 - bankparty abusive to race official - £50
  • Pembroke M2 - failure to row on upon being bumped - £20
  • Pembroke W2 - intimidating race official - £50
  • Peterhouse W1 - excessive bank party - £30
  • Peterhouse W1 - multiple instances of foul & abusive language - £50
  • Sidney M1 - foul language - £25
  • St. Catharine's W2 - late concession - £20
  • Wolfson M1 - early celebration - £20
  • Wolfson M1 - late to marshalling - £10

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