
The Flag is set by the CUCBC Executive Committee to instruct as to which crews may boat given the current river conditions (wind, stream, fog etc.).

Green FlagThe flag is currently Green
There are no restrictions on which crews may boat.
Changed 2024-10-20 21:04:45

N.B. Where the Flag permits a given crew to boat (i.e. green or yellow flag), the final decision lies with the cox and coach as to whether that crew is able to handle the conditions and thus whether boating is appropriate.

Flag Outlook

Winds from Storm Ashley are due to die down overnight, so a green flag for novice morning tomorrow (21st October). However, please assess the conditions and whether you feel your crew is confident and competent to boat. Taking crews with an experienced cox would be preferable. Remember: a green flag is not a licence to a boat; the final decision lies with the cox and coach as to whether that crew is able to handle the conditions and thus whether boating is appropriate.

The current Flag status can be accessed on a WAP phone (http://m.cucbc.org/).

» Information about the Flag

Flag updates are also published on Twitter: Follow cucbc on Twitter This can be used to get the flag updates by text. To do this, add your mobile number to your twitter account, follow the CUCBC account and subscribe to updates to the CUCBC account.

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