Code of Conduct for Anglers & Rowers

This code is endorsed by the Cambridge University Combined Boat Clubs (CUCBC), the Cambridgeshire Rowing Association (CRA) and the Cambridge Fish Preservation & Angling Society Ltd (CFPAS). It is essential that every Association, Club and Society Member should abide by the spirit of this Code, which is intended to promote the greater safe enjoyment of the river amenity so as not to unduly disrupt or disturb others appreciating the facility.
  1. Courtesy is required between all the parties. Should any dispute arise and it becomes necessary for the parent clubs to intervene, anglers and rowers should exchange names and club membership and refer the dispute details to their respective parent body.
  2. The Angling Society will publish dates of the main rowing events and will endeavour to ensure that no fishing will take place between the Pike & Eel and Baits Bite Lock on the published dates. Pleasure fishing on those dates should be reduced.
  3. The Rowing Association / CUCBC will publish dates of the main fishing matches and will endeavour to ensure that no rowing takes place during the times of the fishing matches which will normally be between 10.30am to 3.30pm unless otherwise stated and 9.00am until 1.00pm for the Junior Angling Tournaments. The Angling Society should advise when major or national matches are taking place and in these cases rowers will be advised of the particular importance to avoid these times.
  4. Rowers are asked to keep outings below Baits Bite Lock to a minimum. They should be especially aware of anglers and should check for any fishing matches. See special note below.
  5. Rowing coaches are asked to ensure that they do not halt crews for instruction purposes immediately adjacent to anglers. Anglers in turn should avoid swims adjacent to recognised starting and finishing posts.
  6. Subject to the river conditions and being clear of obstructions, crews are asked not to turn boats immediately opposite anglers.
  7. All parties to be mindful of the peace and quiet enjoyed by residents on or close to the river.
  8. All parties to show consideration to other water users and to the public using the hailing way.
  9. The hailing way must not be blocked by fishing tackle or rowing equipment. Parking of trailers or vehicles adjacent to the hailing way should be carried out with respect to other river users.
  10. It is important for all river users to understand how narrow the river is in places. At some points it is barely possible for two eights to pass each other safely particularly near moorings. Rowers are asked to make every effort to avoid fishing lines but anglers must be aware of their difficulty and be prepared to move their tackle to avoid damage. Roach poles are of particular concern and anglers should lift these in good time when rowers approach.
  1. Permission to row below the lock is restricted to first boats and boats in the top two divisions of the May Bumps only.
  2. In the Michaelmas and Lent terms no CUCBC boat will go down below the lock from 8.30am to 1.00pm or after 4.30pm on any weekday.

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