05/02 | 06/02 | ||
07:03 | 07:01 | ||
17:18 | 17:20 |
The current Racing Regulations can be found here.
Renumber existing Regulation 2(d) as 1(d) but add the following text to clarify the situation:
"For the purposes of deciding eligibility, viva voce examinations completed during any period between University terms are considered as the previous term."
This maintains the status quo so postgraduates may only compete in CUCBC events until the end of the term in which they sit their first viva voce or other final examination.
Renumber existing Regulation 2(d) as 1(d) but reword as follows:
"Postgraduate members of the University are eligible to compete for their College in CUCBC races until the end of the term in which they sit their viva voce or other final examination; this would normally be their first viva voce examination, except in cases where resubmission and a second viva voce are required by the University authorities, in which case the CUCBC should be satisfied that there has been no unreasonable delay inserted and in particular that Regulation 1a(iii) is satisfied. For the purposes of deciding eligibility, viva voce examinations completed during any period between University terms are considered as the previous term."
This allow a postgraduate who is required to re-submit to compete in CUCBC events until the end of the term in which they are re-examined.
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