River Status

This page brings together information from various sources about the current conditions on and around the River Cam.

It should be considered beta, please report problems to the CUCBC Webteam.

CUCBC Flag Status
Not Operational Flag

The Flag is Not Operational[?]

We hope you all enjoyed the Mays, and enjoy your long vacation!

Last updated 2024-06-20 20:20:29

Weather Flood Warnings

Temperature: 14.1 C
Wind: 0 knots
Sunshine: 0.0 hours (today)
Rainfall: 0.0 mm since midnight

Summary: very humid, mild, calm, 14.1 C

Click here for a graph of today's weather.

Last updated: 06:37 AM on 01 Sep 24, from the Computer Labs.

Environment Agency Flood Warnings

River Levels: Bait's Bite;  Jesus Green.


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